obtained every half hour - See our advanced guide for more information. |
Paris, France |
48°52'N | 2°19'E | 35 m | GMT+1 (Summer: GMT+2) |
Sunrise | Sunset | Clock Time | 1996 to 2000 |
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Paris, France |
Sunrise | Sunset | Clock Time |
Mean Daylength (hours or %) |
Paris, France |
Sunpath Horizontal Equidistant Projection, 1st Semester, Clock Time |
Paris, France |
Sunpath Horizontal Equidistant Projection, 2nd Semester, Clock Time |
Paris, France |
Sunpath Vertical Projection, 1st Semester, Clock Time |
Paris, France |
Sunpath Vertical Projection, 2nd Semester, Clock Time |
Paris, France |
Sunrise | Sunset | Clock Time |
Sunpath Statistics: How often the sun is in one of the sky zones (%) |
Paris, France |
Sunrise | Sunset | Clock Time | 1996 to 2000 |
Percentage of Known, Derived, Missing and Night data (%) |
Paris, France |
Sunrise | Sunset | Clock Time | 1996 to 2000 |
Mean Sunshine Duration (%) |
Paris, France |
Sunrise | Sunset | Clock Time | 1996 to 2000 |
Global Horizontal Irradiance |
Monthly Mean of hourly values (W/m2) |
Paris, France |
Sunrise | Sunset | Clock Time | 1996 to 2000 |
Global Horizontal Irradiance |
Cumulative Frequency of half hourly values (%) |
Paris, France |
Sunrise | Sunset | Clock Time | 1996 to 2000 |
Global Horizontal Irradiance |
Monthly Mean of daily sums (Wh/m2) |
Paris, France |
Sunrise | Sunset | Clock Time | 1996 to 2000 |
Global Horizontal Irradiance |
Cumulative Frequency of daily sums (%) |
Paris, France |
Sunrise | Sunset | Clock Time | 1996 to 2000 |
Frequency of Night, Sunny, Intermediate and Cloudy skies (%) |